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Component 1: Networking and development of city networks

Strong network structures are the basis for the set-up of sustainable relationships between all involved stakeholder-levels for the exchange of experiences and examples of good practice, transfer of know-how and the promotion of cooperation. Our multi-stakeholder approach is based on various networks, structures and forms of cooperation.

The project brings together four groups of actors: business actors, local authorities, development policy actors and civil society – on 4 different levels: local economy (including SMEs), professional associations, experts for applied sciences, engineering offices and universities, as well as development policy institutions, public administration and NGOs. We want to extend existing networks and create new cooperation between the various networks.

In all four regions, we will work with multi-stakeholder networks, in order to promote issues of global development and sustainability. This applies to various topics, such as: energy and climate protection, city infrastructure, transport, the environment and health. Work with the stakeholders is praxis-orientated and appropriate to the specific needs. The aim is to overcome existing reservations and to motivate them to get involved.

Lessons learned during work with the stakeholders will be collected; conclusions will be drawn for future work and be made available to a wider audience.
